So on the 22nd of this month my little boy graduated preschool. I was so sad but happy all at the same time. I still can’t believe I have a 4 year old and now he is up and graduated! I should prepare myself though; I will have a few more graduations to get through. Now I am faced with the daunting task of finding another preschool or pre-K to put him in. I had no idea how hard it would be to find a good one that also fits into my schedule. I did find one lady out here by me, and she said she had a little bit of a waiting list. My next obvious question was, "what is the probability that my son would be able to get in." She expresses to me to not get too freaked out but she had a waiting list of 80 people. 80 PEOPLE!! I then replied “oh so you’re saying there’s a chance.” She informed me that some mothers put their children on the list the day they are born, I guess I wasn’t as prepared as I thought I was. I guess I will have to put him on the list for Kindergarten now! I am prepared, or at least I plan to be. I have however run across a few private schools but they are in the $600-$800 range (FYI that’s a month). I guess money doesn’t stand a chance against a good education. Wait am I talking about preschool here or Harvard, I will rethink that. So if anyone knows of ANY good schools here in Coolidge/Casa Grande, on MWF let me know. Or any good schools in town during the morning on TTH, please let me know. I am desperate!
Okay now on to Gavin’s graduation day. He had a great graduation and looked adorable in his little cap that had a tassel. Although I must say that the room we were in had this HUGE mirror on one wall, it wasn’t the most pleasant sight to constantly be starring at myself during the program however; can you guess who didn’t mind. That’s right my incredibly vain son discovered the mirror right off the bat. Throughout the performance he kept looking back at himself and I tried in a quiet yet firm way to get his attention. It was quite comical I have to say. His part in the whole program was to repeat the poem “Jack and Jill.” We practice and practice and he got it down pat but, the teacher was helping all the kids so Gavin kept pausing so that she could say the next line. He did great thought and I am so proud of him. It was the cutest sight I have seen!!
Okay now on to Gavin’s graduation day. He had a great graduation and looked adorable in his little cap that had a tassel. Although I must say that the room we were in had this HUGE mirror on one wall, it wasn’t the most pleasant sight to constantly be starring at myself during the program however; can you guess who didn’t mind. That’s right my incredibly vain son discovered the mirror right off the bat. Throughout the performance he kept looking back at himself and I tried in a quiet yet firm way to get his attention. It was quite comical I have to say. His part in the whole program was to repeat the poem “Jack and Jill.” We practice and practice and he got it down pat but, the teacher was helping all the kids so Gavin kept pausing so that she could say the next line. He did great thought and I am so proud of him. It was the cutest sight I have seen!!
Here is the point he discovers the mirror, its classic Gavin!