Tuesday, July 10, 2007
This weekend we went camping in Alpine... well we stayed in our trailer which is as much camping as you can get my husband to do.
Everyone was mad at us because we didn't "rough it" but can you guess where the hang out place was, especially since it rained for a whole day. It was so beautiful and quiet and a lot cooler then here. Gavin is and outside boy so three days outside was a dream come true for him. Although he got so many scrapes and bruises he survived and
didn't complain. Troy and I went spotlighting on the 4-wheelers at night looking for elk. Well, we spotted tons of them and stared to chase them through this meadow. Then all of the sudden Troy slammed into this HUGE rock. I was on the back holding the spotlight with one hand and the back railing with the other. As you can image I didn't have much option but to be thrown off the 4-wheeler hitting another large rock with my knee. You would think that the first thing m
y husband would say was "are you okay" but all he could say was "why didn't you hold on to me?" I guess all my in laws felt the same way because that is the first thing they said too. The fact that I don't have a third arm made it kind of hard to hold on to him too. Well, all in all I had a great time even with a minor set back (which I do find funny now). I loved the weather and want to make it an annual trip.